ABOUT Charles H. Sweat
Charles H. Sweat
Charles H. Sweat was born on January 23, 1921 in West Point, NY. He enlisted in the Army Air Corps in 1942. First Lieutenant Sweat was assigned to the 354th Fighter Squadron, 355th Fighter Group in 1943-1944. During his stay in this unit, he won 1 confirmed victory in aerial combat and destroyed an aircraft on the ground. He was killed in aerial combat on March 8, 1944 at the controls of his P-47D (42-8441) WR R. “Sweat” was hit by flak when he had just destroyed his target. He is now buried in the United States Military Academy Post Cemetery, West Point, Orange County, New York.
Military Branch: Air Force
Years Enlisted: 1942-1944
Awards: Purple Heart, Distinguished Flying Colors